Tuesday, 12 February 2008


I love these photo's of my little cowgirl...but I have a problem..I take soooooooo many photo's of my kids, some of which I want to print out and frame...but I can never decide how I like my photo's best...between all the options I have on my camera and photoshop I can't help but play with them and try different effects...I'm forever trying to decide...which one do I like best???? For eg...the following has more of a washed out vintage look to it...

...but then again do I love the really saturated colour?

washed out vintage look?...

or more colour???...

and yet again...

then I changed the white balance setting on my camera and came up with the following difference...

I guess it's a matter of personal opinion really, just when I think I've made a decision...my husband will walk in and just LOVE the one that I had decided NOT to print! He tends to like nice warm colours...I find I tend to lean toward cooler colours...

The result????....I hardly EVER print the photo's I take and display them...they stay right here on my pc and blogpage...I did a photo wall months ago in the kids area and hung all the frames up....printed out a few of them and decided there was something not quite right about the colours for my liking...so I never put the rest up...so I have empty photo frames on my wall...sad really....but until I get over my indecision...they're going to have to stay empty!


Analiese said...

Im with Mike - I love the ones with more colour.
Do you like photoshop?

Sarah said...

My vote is for the vintage look, love it!

make it perfect said...

i have the same dilema! loving your photos...looks like you are having heaps of fun with your new camera. i got one for my birthday...a canon 400d. still trying to work out how to use it, lots of fun and can't wait for some cool shots.

Carl and April said...

I really love your pictures. What camera do you use? I just bought a new one that I can use when diving also but I really need to work on my photography skills cause in the water you don't have many chances to get another shot.